CJF MINISTRIES Evangelizing, Equipping, & Educating.


Charoses and Zeroah

CHAROSES—This mixture of apples, honey, raisins, and nuts is sweet and represents the mortar that the Jewish people used to make bricks in Egypt. The mixture reminds them that even though their labor was bitter, it was sweetened by the promise of redemption—the central theme of Passover.

ZEROAH—The sixth and final item on the Seder plate is the shankbone (zeroah) of the lamb, representing the lamb that had to be slain. The lamb’s blood was drained into a basin, and hyssop (a sponge-like plant) was dipped into the basin and used to apply blood to the doorposts and lintels of the house. When God saw the blood of the substitutionary sacrifice, He “passed over,” sparing the firstborn from death.

Interested in having a CJFM representative host a Seder at your church? Request more information here.